
Hey there,

My name is Nathane Lazareth Jackson. You read that correctly, I have an “e” at the end of Nathan and my middle name is, Lazareth. Bless you, mom!  

I’ve been a strength and conditioning coach, personal trainer and nutritionist since 2000. My coaching career began shortly after graduating from the University of Windsor, where I co-captained the men’s basketball team.

Nate playing basketball University of Windsor

Since then I’ve helped countless golfers avoid the common mistakes that leave you frustrated, burnt out and with very little to show for your effort. My approach offers you a more effective long term plan than the usual,  

  • Exhausting hours in the gym
  • Excessive cardio sessions
  • A diet full of boiled chicken breast, steamed broccoli and dry brown rice, and
  • Expensive supplements

You see, at some point or another in my career, I also fell victim to the pitfalls mentioned above. They can work, but are largely dependant on the other factors present in your life.

For instance, I used to compete in the men’s physique category of bodybuilding competitions. I placed very well in most shows and even squeaked out a fitness modeling career for a while. At the time, my life was rather simple with few responsibilities. If you add kids to the mix, an office that doesn’t double as a gym, a mortgage and so on, you can see how priorities may change based on the stage of your life.      

This is not to say you can’t do anything if your busy, but all the more reason I make sure your time in the gym and kitchen, is efficient and effective. I teach you how to eat a diet that is specific to you, which may include navigating through restaurants, hotels, airports, family gatherings and other social events. I could care less about the latest fad diet of the month, or popular nutrition guru selling you overpriced coffee and supplements. 

In 2015, after playing the first round of golf in nearly three decades and hitting that one shot in the middle of the clubface, I was hooked.  I knew right there I wanted to fill the competition void left by University basketball and not only take up golf for myself, but to share my knowledge as a strength & conditioning coach to help golfers become stronger, faster and more mobile so they can hit bombs and play this game pain free . Since then, I have devoted the majority of my time and energy to helping golfers with their most important club – THE BODY!

I am not a golf pro so I will never pretend to be one. That said, I know how your body, and all its joints, are supposed to function and let me tell you, there is no amount of beating balls on the range, clubs off the internet, hours of Youtube instruction, or number of swing lessons that can change how your body operates. The only way to be able to get into good golf swing positions and make those changes stick is to actually work on your body.     

Years of inactivity, improper training habits, muscle imbalances, old injuries that weren’t properly addressed and inflammation are making it difficult for you to play your best golf.  Lucky for you, it doesn’t have to be this way! 

Chris F.

I’m hitting it farther and don’t even feel like I’m swinging great yet. The course is wet and I’m hitting it to spots I was in last year when it was dry.


Strength and Conditioning Coach (CSCS) from the National Strength
& Conditioning Association.

Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN) from the Canadian School of
Natural Nutrition

Additional certifications:

  • TPI Fitness 2 & Power 2, Titleist Performance Institute
  • Biomechanics Mentorships, Pinnacle Performance, and Resilient Education
  • Functional Range Conditioning (FRC), Functional Anatomy Seminars
  • Kinstretch, Functional Anatomy Seminars
  • Certified Conditioning Coach, BioForce (8WeeksOut)
  • Olympic Weightlifting, Agatsu/Varbanov School of Weightlifting
  • Certified Natural Trainer (CNT), Monkey Bar Gym
  • Kettlebell Level 2, KBell Academy
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1, Precision Nutrition
  • Certified Online Trainer, Online Trainer Academy