Bombs to Birdies Program

This is a 12-week online coaching program designed to help you gain at least 6-10 mph in clubhead speed, ensure you can play and practice at will, and look and feel more confident without fluffy exercises, time consuming workouts and restrictive diets.



We kick off your journey by completing a golf specific movement assessment to help identify any stability and/or mobility restrictions you may have.

Depending on your goals and results from the movement assessment, we may also go through a strength and/or a power assessment.

The results of these assessments help to narrow down the pool of exercises available to match the exact drills with your current capability.


You have your own unique needs, and this is why every strength & conditioning program is custom made based on the results of your health assessment, goals, past experience, movement evaluation, and equipment available.

There are a number of training phases that go into an effective training program. Together, we’ll safely and efficiently progress through each of the training phases to help you become stronger, faster and more mobile.


Nutrition is often the greatest limiting factor holding people back from ever achieving the aesthetic and overall health goals. Whether your goal is to reduce body fat, gain muscle or just perform better on and/or off the golf course,  I will teach you the tools and strategies for sustainable success while never sacrificing your health for an outcome.

You won’t be forced to follow extreme diets or overly strict food rules with this program but rather we’ll work together to find an approach that works for you and your lifestyle built upon a foundation of habits, behaviours and  practical skills.

Image of Nate tossing apple in air


You’ll have access to the support and coaching needed to hold you accountable every step of the way. This is arguably the most valuable part of any program, unfortunately most programs fall way short on delivery.

Whether it’s adding a quick note to a workout, asking questions through our weekly emails, discussion during a monthly check-in call or participation in the private support group, you will never be left to figure the puzzle out on your own.


I’m confident you’ll have success, so much so I offer a full refund
if you don’t increase your clubhead speed at least 6 mph in 12-weeks.
*Must complete at least 80% of your workouts

Please complete and application below to be considered for my online coaching program.

Once you submit an application, I’ll be in touch to schedule a complimentary 15-minute Zoom call.

Online Program FAQ

Q: How are online training programs delivered?

Online training programs are delivered via the TRAINERIZE app. You will be assigned a free user account. Here’s a quick video of what the app looks like in use.


Q: What if I don’t know how to perform an exercise?

I supply instructional videos for all exercises prescribed in my online programs.

Here are a few examples,

Q: How do we communicate?

All verbal communication is done by Zoom.

Q: How long are your programs?

All programs have a minimum 12 week commitment. This is the minimum amount of time for me to get you started on a new lifestyle/performance plan.

With regards to nutrition, I need time to break old habits while systematically implementing new habits to ensure long-term success.

I also write workout routines in four to six week blocks as any less time and we are at risk of not giving a routine it’s required time to take effect while any longer and we may start to create muscle imbalances.

Once your 12-week commitment is complete you have the option to continue on a month-to-month basis.

Q: What if I miss a day?

The NJF app lets you easily move sessions around to fit your schedule. Just click + hold, and drag a training session to the desired day.

Q: What if I don’t have certain equipment?

I create your programs based on what you have access to. I may suggest purchasing inexpensive equipment that offer a variety of exercises.

Such equipment suggestions may include:

  • Suspension trainer
  • A set of dumbbells (more as you get freakishly strong)
  • A bench
  • A stability ball
  • Strength bands and mini bands

Q: Are you able to work with vegetarians, or those who prefer a paleo/keto/petroleum approach?


Yes, I am well educated in all aspects of nutrition.  However, I choose to implement a more holistic approach to nutrition and create programs specific to my clients needs.  I don’t buy into food tribes such as vegan, paleo, low carb, high fat etc, but rather create programs for the individual based on the individual for optimal health.

Q: Are you a Dietitian?

No, I am not a dietitian. I’m a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN).

A registered dietitian (RD) completes a four-year degree program plus internship and then usually specializes in a specific area such as pediatric nutrition. A dietitian can ‘diagnose,’ ‘treat’ medical conditions, and ‘prescribe’ supplements .  All of which I, as a nutritionist, I can’t do – rightfully so.

Holistic Nutritionist
I can’t speak for all nutrition programs (non RD programs) but the education I received was a year long full time program. My job is to educate clients what healthy nutrition is and to help create the necessary habits for long term health. I support health and performance while creating a foundation, which in a healthy world, would be all the majority of people would ever need.

The common misconception towards a dietitian is that they only focus on calories in and calories out.  While holistic nutritionists are often labelled as supplement pushers and detox wizards.  Both judgments couldn’t be further from the truth when referring to the top professionals in each practice.

This was a long answer but a very important topic for you to understand. Be very aware the next time you come across a blog or social media post touting a certain diet or nutritional practice to rid the world of it’s diabesity problem. Any legitimate nutritional professional will refrain from sharing such nonsense.

If interested in reading a more detailed description THIS is a great resource.

Q: Do you provide menu plans?

No, I do not. I don’t like meal plans as their adherence rates are poor and I am not legally able to provide them. Meal plans are only legally prescribed by a dietitian. See above for a detailed description of what the role is of a holistic nutritionist is compared to that of a dietitian.

I prefer to use the foods you already enjoy and build a custom nutrition program around them.

Q: Will you help in choosing which supplements are right for me?

I can help in recommending supplements but it is absolutely necessary to get approval from your doctor before taking any supplement.

I am a firm believer of consuming as many nutrients as possible from proper nutritional practices.  However, with people who have been following a standard American diet (SAD) for most of their lives they may be nutrient deficient in many areas.

Deficiencies can also be present throughout certain seasons of the year, during periods of increased stress, extreme training or by following a certain diet philosophy.

Supplements may be recommended in all of these instances but again they are only to be taken after approval from your doctor.

Q: What is your refund policy?

With regards to In-person services a refund will be issued for any unused sessions.

For online coaching programs, once you have submitted the required intake forms from the intro package there are no refunds unless I come across a circumstance in which I am unequipped to handle.

The Hip and Spine & Shoulder Mobility products have a 7-day money back guarantee.

Q: Full Money Back Guarantee? Tell me more.

I stand behind my work and ability to get the results you’re after.

Results aren’t going to magically happen though, you have to do the work required. The catch is, you MUST adhere to 80% of the program – that’s completing 29 of the 36 workouts in their entirety. If you aren’t able to increase clubhead speed by at least 6 mph I will refund your entire payment.

If increasing clubhead speed is not your goal, together we’ll come up with a metric to gauge success.
An example of this would be: In the past, I’ve had clients who wanted to be able to walk 18-holes pain free.