120 CHS & 180 BS. My fairway finder swing goes a lot farther than it used to with minimal effort, and that just trickles down through all my irons. I gained a lot [~ 10 lbs of muscle] in a short period of time and I didn’t lose any flexibility, in fact I got more…

Before working with Nate, I felt lost and overwhelmed in the gym, unsure if my workouts were helping. Now, with structure in my training, I’ve added 30 yards to my drives and have the stamina to perform well in back-to-back tournaments.

Unlike last year and the year before, I have not had any lower back pain. I feel like I’m able to swing the club easier, stretching back and stretching forward (bigger turns), and I have more length. Just so much better overall.

My three main goals were to hit it further, hit it further, and hit it further. My 3-wood is now where my driver used to be at and I’m definitely not done (playing competitively), that’s for sure … I wish I got started with Nate 10-years ago.

I have more energy to not only complete my rounds but to also play five days a week without crashing. Currently my swing feels effortless. My legs and core are stronger, and I feel much more stable in my swing. And I won my first tournament in ten years.

With Nate’s program I improved mobility, became stronger, increased club head speed (117 to 127 mph, 175 BS) and now have greater conditioning for golf and hockey. I loved the check-ins and the adaptability Nate offered. He understands life and the situations that arise while also adapting the program to fit the equipment I had.

I was skeptical at first about gaining back some of the muscle and strength I had loss because of my age. I ultimately gained 30 yards and now average 250 yard drives. I achieved my main goal of shooting my age from the white tees – beat it by one. My goal now is to…

I’ve not missed a round due to back pain. 4 rounds, in 4 days and still hitting bombs and feeling great! Thanks for getting me to do all the hard work! I love it. My five iron goes to where my hybrid used to. My driver cruises at 119 mph and is getting scary long,…

To my surprise, Nate’s approach and expertise extended way beyond golf fitness. He not only helped me increase mobility, strength and power, demonstrated by a 10mph improvement in club head speed but, with his nutrition coaching, I’ve lost 20lbs and my latest blood panel shows I’m close to no longer needing diabetes medication.

Nathane understands the golf swing and structures our workouts to address those areas that are holding me back from producing a more efficient and effective swing. After 6 months of regular workouts, I feel stronger and more confident over the ball, I have a greater range of motion with which to work.

Nathane is a professional coach with training in many areas of health and fitness. He helped to improve my balance, flexibility, and strength. He tailored my program to my capabilities, adjusted exercises when needed, and changed the routine periodically that maintained my interest and enthusiasm.

It’s been a real blessing. I’m walking 18-holes and enjoying golf so much more than last year. I have mobility and strength I haven’t had in several years and the desire to play more golf because of it.

I’m hitting it farther and don’t even feel like I’m swinging great yet. The course is wet and I’m hitting it to spots I was in last year when it was dry.

This program was amazing – the best results I have ever seen in an 8-week period. Increased mobility in my upper body. Better stability in my legs. Eliminated regular lower back stiffness. Improved posture. Extremely improved awareness of form and body alignment while exercising. Definitely hitting the ball longer, but the biggest change I have…

I’ve reduced my low back and hip discomfort and have increased my clubhead speed from 101-104 mph to 114 mph (170 mph BS). I’m hitting the {bleep} out of the ball off the tee, long and on a rope. It’s the best I’ve driven it and was hitting it past some of the college players.

Working with Nate has resulted in increased strength and flexibility and I’m playing the best golf in years.

Whether it was to encourage me to keep grinding or to say I was doing good, Nate’s feedback and support was great for me. I am much more confident when it comes to training and I now believe will be able to keep up with the others – I’m hitting the golf ball further now!!!

It’s been AMAZING! I’ve lost 43lbs, roughly 8% body fat and 7.5 inches from my midsection. It’s just Nate’s caring nature along with the one on one support, training programs that fit your fitness level, and flexibility with nutrition. It was the sense we were in it together and he had my back.

I am reaching my 50th birthday and had been unable to lose weight in recent years. I was hesitant I could make the changes needed to see any progress. Nathane helped me realize small consistent daily changes and habits would result in lasting progress. I have lost seven inches from my waistline and 17.5lbs over…

I have way less lower back pain than when I started. I’m also more mobile in my hips and spine which allows for greater separation in my golf swing.

I lost 21 lbs and 8% body fat. I now have a healthier relationship with food and an accurate knowledge of how calories, along with hormones and stress, affect my goals. Hands down the easiest “diet” I’ve ever been on and I’m never hangry!

Nate is one of the most professional trainers I have ever worked with. This gentleman is widely known as a ‘class-act’ in the industry and fully represents what a health and fitness professional should be.

Nate provided me with enough structure to follow, with leeway to allow for me to maintain my mental health during a pandemic while losing 25 pounds. I maintained nearly all of my muscle mass, gained confidence and my golf game returned to my high school abilities.

I had made not only incredible gains physically, but with Nate’s guidance and open ear to my daily struggles, I made monumental improvements mentally and spiritually. Feeling strong and beautiful on the inside is something Nate pulled out of me with ease. He is a fantastic teacher.

I could not have placed first without Nate’s expert advice – from nutrition to posing. I was able to go into the competition feeling calm, prepared and confident.

Nathane practices what he preaches. When you’re working hard, he’s working just as hard himself. When you don’t think you can lift one more pound, or walk one more step, or keep that smile on your face, he is there for you.

What makes Nathane so special is his holistic way of thinking mixed with modern science in nutrition and strength training. He applies all of this knowledge and wisdom and makes you become the ultimate performing machine…. he is simply the BEST!

Nathane and I have been training for over a year, he’s helped me reshape and complete my physique by implementing safe and strategic diet and exercise prescription. Nathane is simply one of the industry’s best. Thank you!

The 8-week group program was extremely beneficial and focused on individual needs as well as the group. We learned the correct (safe) way to perform key strength exercises, which we progressed each week. The session wrapped up with an overview of nutrition which was over and above what Nathane was obligated to share.

I accomplish day to day tasks with ease and no longer think about running up a couple flights of stairs, or bending over to pick something up – I just do it. Nathane just doesn’t focus on the physical – he brings a wealth of knowledge about nutrition, general, and mental health. I attribute his…

Changing habits is hard. But the continued coaching has helped to solidify my own sense of self-mastery and vastly improved both my waistline and my health.

Nathane’s in-depth investigation of my lifestyle stressors and genetic background in conjunction with his expert knowledge and holistic approach to well-being resulted in a lifestyle plan that addresses not only my “medical” condition but is also a model for healthy living. He is a true Wellness Ambassador.

I have really appreciated working with Nate, he really knows his stuff. I learned so much from him and I think even experts need a coach to nudge them along their path now and then. Nate also helped me reawaken the spiritual part of my life, which I am thankful for.

The experience was excellent. I felt Nate was really engaged with my nutrition journey, and I loved the way he changed things up over the time we worked together. He really cares about his clients and that is incredibly important. Nate’s a total pro!!!

I have lost over 35 pounds and 9 percent body fat. I’ve maintained muscle throughout the program and could not be happier with my progress. Keep up the good work Nathane! You have helped me tremendously.

Nate not only helped me lose some weight and get back some fitness – he also helped me to actually become more athletic to enjoy more sport activities outside the gym. At 47 years old I’m in the best shape of my life.