I’ve reduced my low back and hip discomfort and have increased my clubhead speed from 101-104 mph to 114 mph (170 mph BS). I’m hitting the {bleep} out of the ball off the tee, long and on a rope. It’s the best I’ve driven it and was hitting it past some of the college players.
I’ve not missed a round due to back pain. 4 rounds, in 4 days and still hitting bombs and feeling great! Thanks for getting me to do all the hard work! I love it. My five iron goes to where my hybrid used to. My driver cruises at 119 mph and is getting scary long,… Read More
I am reaching my 50th birthday and had been unable to lose weight in recent years. I was hesitant I could make the changes needed to see any progress. Nathane helped me realize small consistent daily changes and habits would result in lasting progress. I have lost seven inches from my waistline and 17.5lbs over… Read More
With Nate’s program I improved mobility, became stronger, increased club head speed (117 to 127 mph, 175 BS) and now have greater conditioning for golf and hockey. I loved the check-ins and the adaptability Nate offered. He understands life and the situations that arise while also adapting the program to fit the equipment I had.
Nathane is a professional coach with training in many areas of health and fitness. He helped to improve my balance, flexibility, and strength. He tailored my program to my capabilities, adjusted exercises when needed, and changed the routine periodically that maintained my interest and enthusiasm.
I have way less lower back pain than when I started. I’m also more mobile in my hips and spine which allows for greater separation in my golf swing.
This program was amazing – the best results I have ever seen in an 8-week period. Increased mobility in my upper body. Better stability in my legs. Eliminated regular lower back stiffness. Improved posture. Extremely improved awareness of form and body alignment while exercising. Definitely hitting the ball longer, but the biggest change I have… Read More
It’s been a real blessing. I’m walking 18-holes and enjoying golf so much more than last year. I have mobility and strength I haven’t had in several years and the desire to play more golf because of it.
I lost 21 lbs and 8% body fat. I now have a healthier relationship with food and an accurate knowledge of how calories, along with hormones and stress, affect my goals. Hands down the easiest “diet” I’ve ever been on and I’m never hangry!
I’m hitting it farther and don’t even feel like I’m swinging great yet. The course is wet and I’m hitting it to spots I was in last year when it was dry.