Whether it was to encourage me to keep grinding or to say I was doing good, Nate’s feedback and support was great for me. I am much more confident when it comes to training and I now believe will be able to keep up with the others – I’m hitting the golf ball further now!!!
Nate provided me with enough structure to follow, with leeway to allow for me to maintain my mental health during a pandemic while losing 25 pounds. I maintained nearly all of my muscle mass, gained confidence and my golf game returned to my high school abilities.
Nathane understands the golf swing and structures our workouts to address those areas that are holding me back from producing a more efficient and effective swing. After 6 months of regular workouts, I feel stronger and more confident over the ball, I have a greater range of motion with which to work.
The 8-week group program was extremely beneficial and focused on individual needs as well as the group. We learned the correct (safe) way to perform key strength exercises, which we progressed each week. The session wrapped up with an overview of nutrition which was over and above what Nathane was obligated to share.
Changing habits is hard. But the continued coaching has helped to solidify my own sense of self-mastery and vastly improved both my waistline and my health.
To my surprise, Nate’s approach and expertise extended way beyond golf fitness. He not only helped me increase mobility, strength and power, demonstrated by a 10mph improvement in club head speed but, with his nutrition coaching, I’ve lost 20lbs and my latest blood panel shows I’m close to no longer needing diabetes medication.
Nate is one of the most professional trainers I have ever worked with. This gentleman is widely known as a ‘class-act’ in the industry and fully represents what a health and fitness professional should be.
What makes Nathane so special is his holistic way of thinking mixed with modern science in nutrition and strength training. He applies all of this knowledge and wisdom and makes you become the ultimate performing machine…. he is simply the BEST!
Nathane’s in-depth investigation of my lifestyle stressors and genetic background in conjunction with his expert knowledge and holistic approach to well-being resulted in a lifestyle plan that addresses not only my “medical” condition but is also a model for healthy living. He is a true Wellness Ambassador.
I have really appreciated working with Nate, he really knows his stuff. I learned so much from him and I think even experts need a coach to nudge them along their path now and then. Nate also helped me reawaken the spiritual part of my life, which I am thankful for.