A weeks worth of workouts, yoga on the river bank, Kick-Ball tourney and many green leafy vegetables!


Sunday August 8th 2010, Starting Stats
7.4% Body Fat

Week 1-209.8lbs, 6.9% Body Fat
Week 2-210.0lbs, 6.9% Body Fat
Week 3-
213.0lbs,  7.5% Body Fat
Week 4-N/A
Week 5-205.0lbs, 6.2%Body Fat (Juice Feasting)

Wow, I can’t believe it has been 11 days since my last post.  A lot has been going on even though I have been on vacation.  I briefly mentioned a photo shoot opportunity I was starting to prepare for in my last post and I just wanted to say that everything has been going really well even while relaxing in Petawawa, Ont.  I took my kettlebells and yoga mat (Yin & Yang) with me  along with my blender and juicer.  I got outside as much as I could and enjoyed the beauty of the atmosphere .  One day I even did yoga in a light mist/rain on the river bank which was absolutely amazing!  If it wasn’t for the wind that brought a deep chill to my body I would have stayed out and meditated as well.  I guess I am not there yet with my meditation, lol!

A few days ago I started Juice Feasting for all my nutrition in order to tighten up my body before my photo shoot.  Plus, it is the fall now and because of the change in season it is a perfect time to do a cleanse/detox.  You will notice my weight and body fat stats above reflect my change in nutrition.  Just to clarify here though, I did not start doing a Juice Feast to just solely lose weight.  This is a tactic I use as a raw food athlete and physique model to put the finishing touches on my body for aesthetic purposes.  Juice Feasting should NOT be used primarily for weight loss, though weight loss is a side effect.  However, it should be used to reset your body from a cellular level and rid your body of the built up toxins.

The Thursday before I left, my staff and I from the Wellness Centre I manage held a Kick-Ball tournament  for one of the companies/tenants we take care of.  The weather was beautiful and the day was full of fun and laughs.  Everyone seems to be pretty excited about the opening of the actual facility and are anxious to get started in wide array of wellness programs we will be offering.  I was also able to get some feedback from some of the employees  regarding their interests and some additional activities they would like to see offered.

I just ordered a new HD Camcorder, so be prepared for some new Vlog’s in the coming weeks.  This little beast is fully loaded and I am just waiting on the wireless mics to arrive so I can conduct interviews in almost any environment.  I wanted to test out my new toy at the Toronto Veg Fest this past weekend but I wasn’t able to find the time.  However, this week the WBFF Worlds are being held here in Toronto so I should be able to find a few fitness people to test it out on.  I really wanted to compete in this show as I was unable to do so last year but my body is still not fully back to normal from my raw food transition.  I could have stepped on stage but I want to open eyes and WOW people who think eating animals is the only way to build a strong muscular body.

*Please consult with a physician or any other health care professional before randomly trying any of these exercises/routines on your own. I will do my best to give proper progressions and training tips when necessary.  Ideally, everyone should be screened for efficient movement before starting an exercise program by a qualified professional.

The following are my workouts from Sept 2nd to Sept 12th.

Foam Roll upon waking up to get the blood flowing into my muscles and to prepare for my yoga http://www.honeytraveler.com/buy-strattera/ practice.  Plus I have found this sets me right for the entire day.  More on this in a later blog post.
30 min Yoga and/or Meditation following my soft tissue break up (foam rolling).

Daily Pre Workout
Mobility circuit
Dynamic Stretch
Movement Prep

Friday, 30-40-50-60 workout
30 Hindu Pushups
40 KB Renegade Rows (20+20)
50 KB Snatch (25+25)
60 yrd Bounding

x2 rounds

Saturday 30-30 for 30 Jump Rope
30 sec on + 30 sec off for 30 min

20/15/10/5 afap
TRX Pike ss w/
TRX Leg Curl

Monday 4×6
4 sets of 6 reps
Dbl KB Cleans
Dbl KB Back Press

Complete crawl in 1-2 sets
100yrd Power Wheel Crawl

Tuesday Hill Sprints
20 reps in 20 min

Wednesday 100yards
100yrds of
Cliffhanger 50 yrds
Handstand Walk 50 yrds

30 Touchdowns ss w/
30 Glute Ham

Thursday 15/15
15 sec on + 15 sec off for 16 minutes
Pushup Burpees ss w/
Jump Rope

15 sec on + 15 sec off for 16 minutes
Hindu Squats ss w/
Mountain Climber

Friday 15/15

15 sec on + 15 sec off for 10 minutes
Clean & Press

15 sec on + 15 sec off for 10 minutes
Double KB Swings ss w/
TRX Pike

Saturday Endurance Power Repetition Pyramid
20-25-30-35-30-25-20 reps in 30min
Log Jumps
Wall Throws w/medball

Sunday, R&R

Daily Post Workout
Static Stretch
15 min Meditation/Restoration or yoga

Hot & Cold shower, 1 min hot + 30 seconds cold x 4 =Restoration baby!


The above workout was inspired by Jon Hinds, owner of Monkey Bar Gym (www.monkeybargym.com).  Jon is a strength and conditioning coach for many professional athletes, a S&C consultant for many NBA/NFL/MLB teams, a head instructor for the NASM (National Academy of Sports Medecine) as well as a plant based athlete.

Jon has a section on the MBG website dedicated to workouts of the day complete with video.  The workouts are also divided so beginners who need to work on their “Stability” can create a solid foundation.  The intermediate trainee can follow the “Strength” workout and the more experienced (free from dysfunction) athlete can go after the “Power” workout.  I won’t always be following Jon’s prescribed exercises exactly as I have my own dysfunctions I need to take care of but I will model the structure of the workouts after his.  Please take a moment and visit www.monkeybargym.com as you will definitely not be disappointed with all the FREE training and nutrition information along with the many other extras his website offers.

Breakfast–  Fruit & Green Juice (ie- apples, pineapple, mango, carrots, celery & kale)

Lunch– Greens Juice (ie-Kale, celery, cucumber, ginger, carrot, lemon & apple)

Snack– Fruit & Greens Juice

Dinner–  Green Juice

Pre Bed– Green Juice

4-6L of nutrient rich juice per day!  YUM!  It has only been a few days and i can already see a huge change in my body composition along with an extreme heightened sense of self.  My tongue is also a nasty colour as the toxins leave my body!

For more information on Juice Feasting you can check out my good friend Joanne Gero’s website at www.vibealive.ca.

Just a reminder, the Nathane Jackson facebook fan page has launched. My page will host a ton of great health & wellness information, current events along with all updates relating to Nathane Jackson Fitness Inc.  Please join (Like) me  @  http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Nathane-Jackson/139077076125759?ref=ts

Training Mind, Body & Spirit

Nathane L. Jackson cscs & kbts
WBFF Pro Athlete & Vega Ambassador

Nathane Jackson Fitness Inc. now offers a comprehensive International Online Fitness, Health & Wellness Coaching Program.  This program includes function based workouts using the tools that are available to you specifically designed for your needs and goals. The program also includes nutritional guidance from a raw food perspective (as well as nutrition for meat eaters), hormone optimization techniques, movement screening and mind, body & spirit practices to help you create the lifestyle you want and be the change you want to see.
For more information about Nathane Jackson Fitness Inc., please visit www.nathanejackson.com

2 thoughts on “A weeks worth of workouts, yoga on the river bank, Kick-Ball tourney and many green leafy vegetables!

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