Sunday August 8th 2010, Starting Stats
7.4% Body Fat
Week 1-209.8lbs, 6.9% Body Fat
Week 2-210.0lbs, 6.9% Body Fat
Week 3-213.0lbs, 7.5% Body Fat
Week 4-N/A
Week 5-205.0lbs, 6.2%Body Fat (Juice Feasting)
The last two days have gone really well. I am now on day 4 of my Juice Feast and other than feeling a bit drained on Sunday and having a green fuzzy tongue I haven’t felt the effects of the detox. Not feeling the same symptoms as last Spring when I first feasted is great as I am able to keep up with my yoga and intense workouts.
*Please consult with a physician or another health care professional before randomly trying any of these exercises/routines on your own. I will do my best to give proper progressions and training tips when necessary. Ideally, everyone should be screened by a qualified professional for efficient movement before starting an exercise program.
I have been foam rolling upon waking up to get the blood flowing into my muscles and to prepare for my yoga practice each morning. I have found that rolling early in the morning sets me right for the entire day.
My body was really sore today after yesterdays workout so my mind was telling me to skip it but I remembered how good I felt afterward yesterday. Sure enough, I felt energized once I finished and in fact I felt so good I decided to go for an impromptu jog.
Daily Pre Workout
Mobility circuit
Dynamic Stretch
Movement Prep
Monday 5×5 workout
KB 1 Arm Press ss w/
TRX Suspended Inverted Row
1 KB Overhead Goblet Squat ss w/
Double KB Single Leg SLDL
I am pretty pumped by the increased reps I was able to bang out on each exercise today. I really enjoy KB pressing these days.
Tuesday Card Deck workout, Week 3
Complete afap
Hearts-Pushup Burpees
Diamonds- Up/Down Dogs
Spades- Skater Jumps (L+R=1)
Clubs- Jump Rope x 10 repetitions
I completed this workout in 15min and change less than two weeks ago, PLANT STRONG BABY!!!
The above workout was inspired by Jon Hinds, owner of Monkey Bar Gym (www.monkeybargym.com). Jon is a strength and conditioning coach for many professional athletes, a S&C consultant for many NBA/NFL/MLB teams, a head instructor for the NASM (National Academy of Sports Medecine) as well as a plant based athlete.
*This is NOT my normal daily nutrition, please check earlier blog posts for an example of my routine.
Breakfast– Fruit & Green Juice (ie- apples, pineapple, mango, carrots, celery & kale)
Lunch– Greens Juice (ie-Kale, celery, cucumber, ginger, carrot, lemon & apple)
Snack– Fruit & Greens Juice
Dinner– Green Juice
Pre Bed– Green Juice
4-6L of nutrient rich juice per day!
For more information on Juice Feasting and a TON of AMAZING raw food recipes please check out my good friend Joanne Gero’s website at www.vibealive.ca.
Just a reminder, the Nathane Jackson facebook fan page has launched. My page will host a ton of great health & wellness information, current events along with all updates relating to Nathane Jackson Fitness Inc. Please join (Like) me @ http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Nathane-Jackson/139077076125759?ref=ts
Training Mind, Body & Spirit
Nathane L. Jackson cscs & kbts
WBFF Pro Athlete & Vega Ambassador
Nathane Jackson Fitness Inc. now offers a comprehensive International Online Fitness, Health & Wellness Coaching Program. This program includes function based workouts using the tools that are available to you specifically designed for your needs and goals. The program also includes nutritional guidance from a raw food perspective (as well as nutrition for meat eaters), hormone optimization techniques, movement screening and mind, body & spirit practices to help you create the lifestyle you want and be the change you want to see.
For more information about Nathane Jackson Fitness Inc., please visit www.nathanejackson.com